We are proud to announce that INHERIT PI, Prof Martha Pamato, has been awarded the European Mineralogical Union (EMU) Research Excellence Medal! This medal is awarded annually to young mid-career scientists who have made outstanding research contributions to the field of mineralogy and who have successfully engaged in societal and professional mineralogical activities.

This exciting news was announced last November by the EMU who posted the following statement:
"Martha G. Pamato has emerged as a new leader in the field of crystallography and mineralogy, by linking cutting edge experiments on deep Earth’s materials and their primordial geophysical and geochemical consequences. Her scientific achievements, selfless cooperation at international scale, and dedication to the next generation of mineralogists across Europe makes Dr. Pamato a talented recipient of the EMU Medal for Research Excellence 2024. "
Prof. Martha Pamato will officially accept this award at the EMU medal ceremony at the 2025 Goldschmidt conference in Prague. We hope to see you there!